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GS ADE: an agent-based, object-oriented approach to Discrete Simulation
GeneSim ADE subproject aims to develop a method and related tools for Agent-based Discrete Events (ADE) simulation. The project exploits as runtime environment GS DSLibs.
The followings are the main topics of GS ADE:
The modelling technique. The project researches an object-oriented, agent-based approach to Discrete Events simulation. The main features (and goals) of the technique are re-usability, traceability and independence of the model components.
UML notation. Being a GeneSim subproject, GS ADE defines rules and conventions for specifying a complete object-oriented model of the system in UML, from such a model is possible to derive the source code without manual code completion.
XML encoding. The UML model needs to be encoded in XML in order to feed the code generator. A set of XML Schemas are used for performing the syntax checks.
GS_ADECodeGen. The actual code generator is a tool written in c++. First, the generator loads the XML documents and performs syntax and semantic validation (it uses the DOM interface provided by Xerces). Then, after a few manipulations on the DOMs, the tool generates the sources with XSL transformations (the library used here is Xalan).
GS ADE is designed, implemented and maintained by G.A. Cignoni and Stefano Paci.
Status: prototypal.
Copyright © 2012 Giovanni A. Cignoni |